About it.

Theatre Quest is a teen interest group that focuses on giving teens theatre opportunities they can't get anywhere else.  These opportunities include acting, directing, writing, tech, producing, marketing, and leadership, among others.

Anyone ages 13-19 can be a member, simply by coming to a meeting! No fee or prerequisite needed.

This year we are doing:

A 24hr theatre festival: in which we will produce a full production from writing to tech in 24 hours.

Elfing at the Reed house: where members will become santa's elves for an evening and provide holiday magic for children and families.

A Coffee House Cabaret: a fun night of variety performances, sketches, and baked goods.


An improvised adventure show based on popular role playing games like DnD and Pathfinder, where YOU, the audience, get to cast the roles and roll the dice.  With 20 different outcomes, and 1 clueless cast, what could go wrong?