Whether you’re a new friend or a longtime patron of Chattanooga Theatre Centre, we want you to have an exceptional experience. Here are a few ways in which you can help us create an atmosphere that’s respectful of guests, volunteers, and staff during a performance.

  1. Arrive on Time: Please respect the start time of the performance by arriving a few minutes early. Latecomers can disrupt both performers and fellow audience members.

  2. Silence Your Devices: Turn off your mobile phones, smartwatches, and other electronic devices or switch them to silent mode. The glow and sound of devices can be distracting to both performers and fellow attendees.

  3. Avoid Talking: During the performance, refrain from talking, whispering, or making unnecessary noise. Even whispers can carry in a quiet theater and disturb those around you.

  4. Stay Seated: Once the performance begins, remain in your seat until intermission or the end of the show. Moving around can distract others and block their view. If you have to use the restroom or exit the theatre during a show, try to do it during a scene change or the end of a song.

  5. Limit Noise when Enjoying Refreshments: While we do sell refreshments at our concession stand, we hope that you will eat or drink while being conscientious of producing excessive noise or strong odors. Consume these items quietly and discreetly.

  6. Respect Personal Space: Ensure that you and your belongings are contained within your allotted seating area. Avoid encroaching on neighboring seats.

  7. Applause and Reactions: Show your appreciation for the performers through applause at appropriate times, such as after a musical number or scene. However, save discussions and reactions for intermission or after the show.

By following these tips, you'll help create a respectful and enjoyable atmosphere for both the performers and fellow audience members, enhancing everyone's theater experience.