Shakespearean Insult Generator

  1. Use your first initial to find the first part of your insult.

A = Droning
B = Forward
C = Craven
D = Bootless
E = Churlish
F = Bawdy
G = Reeky
H = Beslubbering
I = Infectious

J = Fawning
K = Vain
L = Dankish
M = Frothy
N = Villainous
O = Paunchy
P = Puny
Q = Artless
R = Mangled

S = Saucy
T = Roguish
U = Lumpish
V = Impertinent
W = Ruttish
X = Gleeking
Y = Yeasty
Z = Tottering

2. Your middle initial will give you the middle part of your insult.

A = Common-kissing
B = Bat-fowling
C = Clay-brained
D = Dizzy-eyed
E = Beetle-headed
F = Flap-mouthed
G = Guts-griping
H = Earth-vexing
I = Folly-fallen

J = Boil-brained
K = Hasty-witted
L = Sheep-biting
M = Knotty-pated
N = Fat-kidneyed
O = Hell-hated
P = Pox-marked
Q = Crook-pated
R = Rump-fed

S = Swag-bellied
T = Toad-spotted
U = Half-faced
V = Motley-minded
W = Elf-skinned
X = Full-gorged
Y = Tickle-brained
Z = Ill-breeding

3. Finish your insult by using the first letter of your last name.

A = Clotpole
B = Flax-wench
C = Harpy
D = Baggage
E = Death-token
F = Moldwarp
G = Canker-blossom
H = Yarlot
I = Barnacle

J = Bum-bailey
K = Horn-beast
L = Flirt-gill
M = Foot-licker
N = Measie
O = Hedge-Pig
P = Boar-Pig
Q = Pumpion
R = Lewdster

S = Strumpet
T = Bugbear
U = Ratsbane
V = Vassal
W = Magot-Pie
X = Coxcomb
Y = Whey-face
Z = Codpiece